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Page:Augusta Seaman--Jacqueline of the carrier pigeons.djvu/248

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known. All I ask is the gold!” Valdez and Borgia consulted together for a moment in low tones, and the result of their consultation seemed to he the hasty decision that they must capitulate.

“Very well!” declared the general, “I will write as thou hast said, but mark my words! Thou hadst better keep out of my way, Dirk Willumhoog, when this transaction is completed!”

“And now, gentlemen, just one thing more,” added Dirk when the writing was finished and in his possession. “As an earnest of your good faith, I require a thousand florins to be paid me at once!” More splutterings from Borgia and explosions from Valdez ensued, but this was evidently mere bluster, for after a due amount of bickering and bargaining, a clinking of coins was heard, and money was counted out slowly and reluctantly.

“There!” said Valdez, “Thou hast now every jot thou didst demand. Out with thy