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Nancy, to mak a kirk and a mill of the pleasureless domicile and property of Stanedyes.

On the night before Jamie set off there was a grievous parting between him and Jeanie Grahame. They seemed made for ane anither; and if, as some suppose, Nature formed human creatures in pairs, these were the twa that it meant to meet. From the years in which the heart first opens to love, they had loved each ither like brother and sister; but with feelings still more warmly kindled, and more deeply rooted. Neither had ever been in love before—it was first love full to the overflowing wi’ passion and power—to which a’ the ither loves of life (if man can really and truly love twice) are but as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. Sair, sair, did Jeanie greet, and beg o’ him no to gang away; lang did she hing upon his neck while her burning tears drappit down on his hands; but na—his purpose was fixed,—fixed by an oath, as if he had been an auld Mede or Persian; so after explaining to her the absurdity of his remaining at a hame where he could never better himsell; and of his submitting to a state of miserable and slavish dependence, he said he was only aboot trying to push his ain way in the world, and to get into a situation that would not render their coming together a thing, as it now was, altogether hopeless. “No—no” he said, “Jeanie,” taking a farewell kiss from