Page:Aunt Caroline's Dixieland Recipes.djvu/29

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One pint of milk,
One teaspoonful of lard,
Two teaspoonsful of butter,
Two teaspoonsfuls of sugar,
One heaping teaspoonful of salt,
One-half yeast cake,
Six cupfuls of flour.

Put milk on stove in double boiler with butter, salt, lard and sugar. When milk becomes scalded, let it cool until blood heat. Dissolve yeast and stir it into the scalded milk. Then add to milk when cooled two and a half cups of flour and mix to a stiff batter. Next add an egg well beaten to the batter and put the batter in a warm plce to rise. Let it rise bout five hours and then knead as for ordinary biscuit using three and a half cups of flour. Knead until dough can be handled easily, then roll out to one-half inch thickness. Rub each biscuit with melted butter, put two biscuits together and place in pans far enough apart not to touch. Bake fifteen or twenty minutes in hot oven.


Two eggs,
One cup of milk,
One and one-half cups of flour,
One tablespoon of lard,
One teaspoonful of salt,
Two teaspoonfuls of baking powder.

Beat eggs separately. To yolks, add salt, melted lard, milk, flour, and baking powder. Lastly, put in the well beaten whites and bake twenty or twenty-five minutes.