Page:Aunt Caroline's Dixieland Recipes.djvu/67

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One pound of white sugar,
Three-fourths pound of butter,
One pound of flour (one quart) sifted,
Two pounds of raisins,
One pound of currants,
One pound of dates,
One-half pound of citron,
Ten eggs,
One pound of figs,
One ounce each of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves,
Two teaspoonsful of baking powder mixed in with flour,
One wine glass of brandy and one of wine,

Cream butter and sugar and add to well beaten yolks. Then add alternately the flour and whites of the eggs beaten stiff; then the wine and brandy spices. Lastly add the fruit which has been chopped fine and dredged with flour, mix well together and bake about four hours in a slow oven.