Page:Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag, Volume 1.djvu/288

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List of Publications.

GIRLS' BOOKS. A Series Written, Edited, or Translated by the Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman."

Small Post 8vo.Cloth Extra, Gilt Edges.Price of each Volume, 4s.


A Picture from Life. By the author of "John Halifax, Gentleman." (Forming Vol. I. of the " 'John Halifax' Series of Girls' Books."

'This is a pretty narrative of baby life, describing the simple doings and sayings of a very charming and rather precocious child nearly three years old.—Pall Mall Gazette.

"Will be delightful to those who have nurseries peopled by 'Little Sunshines' of their own."—Athenæum.

"The tale is a clever and interesting one."—Athenæum.

"The authoress is equally skilful in the humourous and in the pathetic. . . . Few very few, one may hope, could read with dry eyes of Little David's accident, and quite as few could listen without laughing, to Effie's attempt at a funny tale."—Guardian.

From the Journal of a Girl in her Teens. Edited by the author of "John Halifax, Gentleman." With Illustrations by Sydney Hall.

***Other volumes are in preparation.

By Lucien Biart.With 117 beautiful Illustrations on Wood. Edited and Adapted by Parker Gillmore, Author of "All Round the World," &c. Post 8vo. cloth extra, gilt edges, new edition, price 7s. 6d.

"We can strongly recommend this most attractive boy's book."—Graphic.

"The adventures are charmingly narrated, and information is given about all the trees, plants, and native productions that are met with."—Athenæum.

New Edition, small post 8vo. cloth; uniform with the 6s. Edition of "Lorna Doone," by the same Author.

[In the press.

Also Uniform.


[In the press.