Page:Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag, Volume 2.djvu/121

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and we must make the most of our time and money," said Amanda;

"For, though on pleasure she was bent,
She had a frugal mind."

Forth they went, as soon as dinner was over, and found the waters all abroad also; for every man was playing away with a hose, every woman scrubbing her door-steps, and the children gayly playing leapfrog in the puddles.

"Nasty, damp place," croaked the Raven, obscuring her disgusted countenance behind the inevitable gray cloud, and gathering her garments about her, as they hopped painfully over the wet stones, for sidewalks there were none.

"I find it refreshing after the dust and heat. Please detach Mat from that shop window, and come on, or we shall see nothing before dark," replied the ever amiable Amanda.

Matilda would glue herself to every jeweller's window, and remain fascinated by the richness there displayed, till led away by force. On this occasion, however, her mania led to good results; for, at the ninth window, as her keepers were about to drag her away, a ring of peculiar antiquity caught their