"The doctrine of taking life for life, seems perfectly established; and they avow their determination to act upon it. Though I expressed strong dissent, they seemed thoroughly satisfied of its propriety.
"Every one should, therefore, now be on his guard. Yagan seems to possess the power of ubiquity. He has declared, and his are not idle threats, that he will take three lives for that of of Midjegoorong."
This bold, decided, and fearless patriot, the avenger of his country's wrongs, met with a fate not more unexpected than generally deplored. Thrown off his guard by his generous, confiding disposition, and the kindness shown to him at Carnac, he fell by the hands of a worthless workhouse boy. This personification of ignorance, laziness, and vice, one morning enticed him from those that accompanied him to the side of the river, under the pretence of assisting him to look for ducks; and, when the head of the chief was turned, bringing the muzzle of his gun, as with pretending carelessness it lay on his arm, round to the ear of his unsuspecting victim, pulled the trigger, and treacherously shot him The report of the musket being heard by Weeup and others of the Wurerup tribe, who happened to be close at hand, retribution quickly followed. Before five minutes had elapsed, the avenging spears of the natives, exacting the penalty in the death of the blood-stained youth, hurried his guilty spirit after that of his murdered victim into another world, there to answer for the crime he had just perpetrated. The Gazette shall tell the rest of the sad tale; and, it will be seen that, though bound to side with those who advocated sanguinary measures, it, on this occasion, quailed before public opinion.
"The affray which led to this horrid catastrophe, and terminated in the death of two natives and the youth Keates, took place on Thursday last. Keates had frequently expressed a determination to kill Yagan, although in opposition to his master's will, with a desire, it is presumed, to obtain the reward.
"The scene of the murder was a short distance from Mr. Bull's residence; and no gentleman, we believe, has been more anxious to prevent it, having given repeated and positive orders to his men not to shoot Yagan.****
"We look with some degree of curiosity for the result of the death of this chief, to ascertain whether he has left his sovereign influence to an equally daring successor. We are inclined to believe it will be the case; but if not, a favourable time has arrived for adopting some decisive and amicable system of proceeding. Unlike some of our neighbours, we are disposed to place a certain degree of reliance upon the word of a native: