Page:Australia and the Empire.djvu/103

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Governor of the colony should be requested to transmit the principal resolution by telegraph to the Earl of Beaconsfield; and an illuminated Address was fitly prepared and forwarded by the outgoing; mail. Nor did Melbourne stand alone. Throughout the length and breadth of Australia the name of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, made the sunburnt settler glow with an unwonted pride of patriotism, A similar meeting to our Melbourne one was held in Sydney, while the two municipal councils of Ballarat—commercially the second city of Victoria, with a political vigour and activity second to none in Australia—sent congratulatory telegrams to the great English statesman. Adelaide, the metropolis of South Australia, and Newcastle, the second city in New South Wales, helped to swell this pæan of truly Imperial praise.

In an admirable leading article which appeared in the Melbourne Argus, the writer aptly observed: "The veteran statesman can scarcely fail to experience a lively sense of satisfaction in finding that the courage and wisdom of his conduct have met with the cordial approbation of his countrymen at the Antipodes; for we are so far removed from the influences which disturb men's views and warp