Page:Australia and the Empire.djvu/280

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ment would give some personal attention to Sir Thomas M'Ilwraith's National Party in Queensland. The following is its programme, as given in an admirable letter, dated Rockhampton, Sept. 9, 1888, which appeared in a recent number of the Scotsman:—

"(1) Cultivation of an Australian national spirit, with respect to all matters affecting education, labour, trade, and laws.

"(2) The federation of the dominion, with a provision for a system of Australian national defence.

"(3) The energetic vindication and protection of the civil and political liberties, rights, and obligations of the people, and the adoption of the principle that laws passed by the Australian Legislatures shall not require the imperial sanction to render them operative.

"(4) The fostering and protection of Australian industries.

"(5) The exclusion from Australia of the Chinese and other servile races, and the preservation of the entire continent as a home for white men.

"(6) The exclusion from the islands and waters of Australasia and the Western Pacific of all foreign convicts.