Page:Australia and the Empire.djvu/305

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the same workshops together, we must follow the same plough, we must man the same ships together, we must use the same tools in erecting our houses together—and why should not our children sit side by side in being taught to read?"

It is surely evident that those who object to such a system of public education as this do so, not because it is "godless" or secular, but simply because they want the government to subsidise their particular church or sect, notwithstanding that "State aid to religion" has been abolished. On the subject of the "Higher Education in Australia," I have received from Professor Herbert A. Strong, while these pages are going through the press, a further criticism, which, in view of his unique experience as a University Professor, both in England and Victoria, I do not feel justified in passing over in silence, deferring especially to the curriculum of the Melbourne University, Professor Strong points out: (1) that the anti-Darwinian biology is quite out of date in England; (2) that modern languages are taught in England, historically and philologically. Lectures are given in the literature of the subject by the best men that can be got. To keep pace with the old country there should be a Professor of Modern Languages conversant with the most recent German work in philology.