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Page:Australian enquiry book of household and general information.djvu/167

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To Treat Ingrowing Toe Nails.— When not very much ingrown this can be remedied by cutting a triangular piece out of the centre of the nail and in time the corners will grow out. Another way is to insert a little pad of cotton wool under the nail as near the ingrowing part as possible, pushing it down a little further each day, till eventually the affected part is lifted from the flesh.

Ring Worm is a very unsightly disease, more generally affecting children. Almost everyone knows its appearance, so I need not describe it. Many people, when their children get it, wonder how they have caught it, and assure themselves that they have not been with any children who have it, but they are not aware that it is often contracted from dogs and cats. Pet dogs who are much handled very often get ring worms, and children take it from them. One of the very best remedies for it is hot white vinegar applied frequently, and as hot as can be borne. In the early stage, when it is not of long standing, use a lotion made from sulphate of zinc half a drachm, acetate of lead fifteen grains, water six ounces; wash the affected parts frequently, and if not successful, try nitrate of silver one drachm, diluted nitric acid half ounce; paint the spots with this and leave it for about a quarter of an hour, and then well wash the parts with warm water and cover with lint dipped in cold water, and oiled silk over that again. If possible the ring worm should always be kept covered, to prevent spreading. When it attacks the head let all the hair be shaved off at once, it will never be got rid of thoroughly unless this is done, then apply an ointment made as follows: One drachm of sulphate of zinc, mixed with an ounce of simple cerate, rub this into the spots and wash the head daily in warm water, soap and soda. In many instances ring worm comes from dirt. A child who has a warm bath every day, and the pores of whose skin are kept open and free from perspiration will seldom catch it, and if it does will

soon get rid of it. But a child whose skin is not clean will take the diseases quicker and retain it a long time. All cloths used in dressing ring worms should be burnt, and the towels kept separate. It is not a very serious thing so long as it does not get into the hair, but once it attacks the head it may remain months, even years.

Another Cure is to wash with a solution of borax, and dust with the powder.

Another Cure.—Burn a piece of note paper on a plate and apply the oil which adheres to the plate.

To Stop a Tooth.—Very often in the bush one would be glad to know how to stop a tooth to prevent it going farther, till one can pay a visit to a dentist, or for the sake of comfort. I once saw an old bushman stop his little girl's tooth, and so effectually that it never ached again, and was a useful grinder for long, long after. He mixed some clean bone dust — obtained from filing it from a leg bone of a sheep — with thick mastic varnish into a stiff paste. Then having well cleaned out the cavity, scraped out as much of the decayed part as possible and dried the inside well with little pieces of cotton wool, and filled in the cavity with the mixture. One can do it for oneself, with the aid of a looking glass, but it is best to get a friend to do the filling in, as it is awkward for oneself. Ivory dust would be better than bone if it could be obtained.

Soap for Sores and Old Wounds.—Cut up or shred about half a pound of either white curd or castile soap, and gradually mix in with it one ounce of flowers of sulphur. A mortar is the best thing to use for mixing them, as the pestle will pound them well together. Then stir in one fluid ounce of rectified spirits (strongly coloured with alkanat) and when this mass is well beaten together and quite smooth, drop in enough attar of roses to scent it pleasantly, or if liked, any other scent can be used. This quantity will make two large cakes of soap. And before using it be sure and remove all