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Boatſwain, and a midſhipman were killed. I have likewiſe to acquaint you, that the Culloden unfortunately run aground, and was thereby prevented from coming into the action: the Alexander, Bellerophon, and Majeſtic were the greateſt ſufferer. To give you an accurate liſt of the killed and wounded on board of each ſhip, it is not in my power. The 2d of Auguſt, we were employed in clearing the wreck, and then we proceeded to get up Jury-maſts, and rigging the ſhips for ſea: ſeven of the prizes were diſmaſted: and on the 15th of Auguſt, having ſix of the prizes refitted, we proceeded to ſea, being in all thirteen ſail of the Line, (ſeven Engliſh and ſix French) we left Admiral Nelſon with ſix of our ſhips and three prizes, lying at an anchor, off the mouth of the River Nile, with an intent to intercept any thing that came down the Nile, as it belongs to the French. We are now bound to old England once more:——but owing to the ſhips being in ſuch a ſhattered condition, it will be a long time before we reach England, unless we meet with a very favourable wind. We had on board this action, 563 people.

the end.