Page:Authority and Knowledge.djvu/14

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in the knowledge of her Holy Faith, and through which the Church's pastors may begin to do their duty to the lambs of Christ's flock. You will feel, I am sure, that you owe whatever help you can give to the clergy, upon whom the Schools cast such a heavy care, to those who, with the clergy, undertaeon your behalf the management of your Parochial Schools, and to those who daily discharge the duties of Teachers, so sacred and happy, and yet also so toilsome, so trying to strength and spirits, temper and self control Help them by your prayers. I hope many of you, in your private or family prayers, often use such words as these, "for the Schools of this Parish, and for those within them, both teachers and learners." Help them by your money; (whether or no you are parents yourselves, and so directly benefited by the Schools.) because you covet the unseen, but sure blessing which Christ has promised to them that give; and because you know that the gift of good and Christian Schooling is as good a gift as you can give in Christ's name to the people of your parish, and especially to those whom Christ has told us that He most loves, the poor and the little ones. I may say with all truth and reverence that this is a service for which our Master asks you through me to-day.

But over what is so plain as this, we ought not to spend our time; the fewest and simplest words will make those who have any love of our Lord, and willingness to spend for His sake, give