Page:Authority and Knowledge.djvu/16

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the regular ways, and good order, and firm authority of the School: if he has some fault such as deceitfulness, or a passionate temper, or spitefulness to other children, or disobedience which vexes you, and against which you make your prayers to God, you hope that the influence of the schoolmaster, and perhaps of a good tone in the school, will help to cure him of it. This is the Discipline.

There is Authority in the School to give the Discipline: and there is Teaching to give the Knowledge.

Two great matters surely: Authority and Knowledge: the objects of our Schools, but going far beyond our Schools Authority, which sits on thrones, and is exercised by Governments, and speaks through magistrates, and courts of law, and officers of state, which speaks in the Church through the pastors whom God has set over His people: which rules in the home, in the loving and protecting rule of husband over wife, of parents over children. And Knowledge of which the things learnt in the Schools are the simple beginnings, but which runs up and branches out into all the sciences, which scales the heavens to count the stars, and runs through the depths and intricacies of creation; which is the secret of power, and is ever putting new powers into our hands; which tasks the comprehension, and kindles the imagination, and points to the true satisfaction of our instincts and desires; which