Page:Authors daughter v1.djvu/218

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Mr. Lufton had had some information with regard to the projected journey of Allan, Amy, and Isabel from Branxholm to Gundabook, and they had not been far on their way when they met him. He came to press them to make his house a resting-place for one night, as, though it.was a little out of the direct road, a night's lodging for ladies was a thing to be manoeuvred for, and he would be only too happy to return in some small measure the great hospitality he had often received from the Lindsays. Mr. Prince, the former tutor at Mr. Hammond's, was on a visit at Mr. Lufton's station at Bulletin, and he thought the young people would like to see him. The invitation was cheerfully accepted by them. Isabel in particular was very anxious to see the house that so many young ladies had declined to share with such a gentleman as Mr. Lufton. It