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- Hazel, 159, 315, 367.
- Health, 296.
- Hell, 451.
- Hemlocks, 164, 165, 210, 211, 226, 240.
- Hermann, 282.
- Herons, 156, 193.
- Heywood's Peak, 57.
- Heywood's Pond, 411.
- Hickeses, 349.
- Hickories, 37, 65, 364.
- Hieracium Canadense, 53.
- Hill, 71, 346, 458.
- Hills, 371, 373.
- Historical facts, 29.
- Hoar frost, 338.
- Holden swamp, 275, 391, 413.
- Holden wood, 68.
- Home, 454.
- Homer, 380.
- Homes, 60, 61.
- Honey, 338.
- Hooper, Harry, 223.
- Hoosac mountains, 131.
- Hop hornbeam, 159.
- Horizon, 249.
- Hornbeams, 364.
- Hornets' nest, 15, 34.
- Horse, 55.
- Horse chestnuts, 173.
- Hosmer, Mr. Edmund, 309.
- Hosraer, Mr. Joseph, 267, 268, 299, 344.
- Hosmer's field, 311.
- Hosmer's meadow, 227, 277.
- Hour variously spent, 242.
- Houses, 34.
- Houstonia, 37, 79, 198, 217.
- Howell, Francis, 198.
- Hubbard, Cyrus, 365.
- Hubbard's bridge, 283, 391, 399.
- Hubbard's Close, 328.
- Hubbard's Grove, 108.
- Hubbard's woods, 250, 255, 369.
- Hubbardston, 131.
- Huckleberries, 8, 79, 307.
- Hylodes, 57, 144, 258, 319, 363.
- Hypericum, 54, 210.
- Hypnum, 169.
- Ice, 316, 317, 384, 391, 407, 433, 434, 448.
- Ice crystals, 408, 409, 435, 458.
- Ice foliage, 339.
- Ichthyolites, 32.
- Illusion, 206, 207.
- Imagination, 403.
- Imaginings, 195, 196, 197.
- Indian books, 355.
- Indian gouge, 83, 84.
- Indian mind, 148.
- Indian relics, 173.
- Indian summer, 102, 103, 110 181, 197, 226, 233, 290, 319, 325, 394, 408, 423.
- Indians, 297, 298, 344, 402.
- Insane man, 381.
- Inspection, 197.
- Irishman, 402, 403.
- Jay, 16, 73, 205, 206, 226, 229, 236, 245, 246, 279, 371.
- Jenny's desert, 20.
- John's-wort, 286.
- Journal, 280.
- Joy, 383.
- Juniper repens, 39.
- Kalmia glauca, 391.
- Keyes, John, 362.
- Kirby and Spence, 184, 185.
- Knowledge, 31, 38.
- Labaume, 288.
- Labor, 298.
- Lake Superior Indians, 297, 298.
- Lambkill, 35, 37.
- Landscape, 80, 81, 191, 330, 364, 412.
- Larks, 20, 68, 79, 199, 411.
- Last words, 379.
- Laurus sassafras, 86.
- Law, 99, 100.
- Leaves, 163, 200, 252, 259, 295, 312, 365, 391.
- Leaves of oaks, 295, 367.
- Leaves of trees, 88, 109.
- Leaves, radical, 285, 286.
- Lecture, 390, 391.
- Lecturer, 449.
- Ledum swamp, 115, 276.
- Lee's Bridge, 7, 282.
- Lee's Cliff, 37, 283, 396.
- Lee's farm swamp, 85, 186.
- Lee's hillside, 87.
- Leisure, 260.
- Le Jeune, 113.
- Lespedeza, 307, 314, 448.
- Lesson, 252.
- Library, 350.
- Lichens, 211, 213, 323, 324, 367, 450.
- Life, 124, 146, 193, 219, 245, 319.
- Life a failure, 347.
- Life, springs of, 96, 400.
- Life in winter, 100.
- Life-everlasting, 70, 246, 279, 286.
- Light, 98, 117, 120, 170, 171, 248, 256, 289, 307, 312, 345, 388.
- Lily, 354.