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- Sparrows, 23, 68, 70, 126, 127, 157, 158, 189, 230, 305, 328, 407.
- Spear-head, 372.
- Species, 298.
- Speculations, 394.
- Speech, freedom of, 284.
- Spencer, Brook, 59.
- Spiders, 133, 184, 185, 186, 275.
- Spine, 419.
- Sprague, 308.
- Sprengel, 438.
- Spring, 91, 159, 160, 370, 371.
- Spring, a second, 35, 144, 279, 319.
- Spruce swamp, 413.
- Squash, 6.
- Squirrel, 73, 74, 155, 211, 230, 231, 236, 299, 352, 353, 369, 458.
- Star, 159, 336.
- Statements, 188, 189.
- Stellaria media, 318.
- Stillness, 228, 229, 405.
- Still water, 111, 120.
- Stranger, 144.
- Stream, ascent and descent of, 202, 203.
- Stumps, 169, 215, 216.
- Succory, 20, 53, 108.
- Sudbury, 314, 316.
- Sudbury men, 316.
- Sumac, 16, 448.
- Summer, 394.
- Summer duck, 240, 241.
- Sun, reflected heat of, 22.
- Sunlight, 289.
- Sun-sparkles, 229.
- Sunset, 3, 17, 90, 112, 152, 214, 259, 311, 327, 330, 331, 345, 388, 429.
- Sunsets, New England winter, 433.
- Superstition, 421, 425.
- Swallow, 192, 242, 243.
- Swallow holes, 383.
- Swallows nests, 304.
- Swamp, 33, 186, 187, 231, 232, 331, 387, 425.
- Swamp Bridge Brook, 174, 319.
- Swamp pink, 233, 283, 364, 413.
- Swamp pyrus, 233, 413.
- Sweetbriar, 86.
- Sweet fern, 289, 307, 314, 397.
- Sword, 9.
- Syriaca, 143.
- Tahatawan, 174, 360.
- Tansy, 108, 239, 268, 294, 318, 422.
- Tarbell's, 332, 371.
- Tastes, 155.
- Tears, 248.
- Teeth, 381.
- Telegraph harp, 107.
- Tent, 18.
- Thanksgiving afternoon, 331.
- Theme, 124, 125.
- Theophrastus, 274.
- Therien, 250.
- Thimbleberry shoots, 213, 330, 368.
- Thinking, 280.
- Thistles, 149.
- Thoughts, 158, 212, 262, 333, 334.
- Thoughts, old ruts of, 12, 418.
- Threshing, 61.
- Ticks, 38, 39.
- Tiger, 316.
- Toad-flax, 314.
- Tools, 287.
- Tortoise, 3, 79, 412.
- Touch-me-not seed vessels, 24.
- Tournefort, 282.
- Towns, 367.
- Tracks, 384, 385, 408.
- Trade, 140.
- Trail, 341.
- Travel, 304.
- Tree fern, 20.
- Tree, injury to, 145.
- Tree sparrows, 103, 181, 199, 328, 340, 383, 401, 413.
- Treetoads, 153.
- Trees, 210, 222, 338, 377, 379.
- Trees, character of, 41.
- Trees, dead, 431.
- Trichostema dichotomum, 399.
- Truth, 189, 203, 218, 260, 422.
- Turnips, 311.
- Turtle-dove, 25.
- Twilight, 374, 412.
- Uncannoonuc, 243.
- Undulations, 439, 440.
- Valor, 342, 343.
- Valparaiso squash, 321.
- Values, 348, 349.
- Vanessa Antiopa, 197.
- Vapor, 107, 428, 429, 438.
- Varro, 148.
- Verses, 223, 224, 253, 297, 351, 352.
- Vestiges of creation, 33.
- Vice an aid to success, 1.
- Viola lanceolata, 57.
- Viola ovata, 79, 108.
- Viola pedata, 230, 237.
- Violet, hood-leaved, 35.
- Violets, 35, 237, 279, 422.
- Virgin's Bower, 228.
- Visiting, 65, 386.
- Wachusett, 131, 354, 359.
- Walden, 57, 110, 152, 209, 327, 354, 357, 360, 365, 399, 400, 436, 441, 447.