Page:Aviation Accident Report, United Air Lines Flight 4.pdf/17

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  1. At the time of the accident United Air Lines Transport Corporation held a currently effective certificate of public convenience and necessity and air carrier operating certificate authorizing it to conduct the flight.
  2. Captain Brown and First Officer Miner were physically qualified and held proper certificates of competency to perform their duties on the flight in question.
  3. Aircraft NC 18146 was currently certificated as airworthy at the time of the accident.
  4. Trip 4 originated at San Francisco, California, with New York, New York, as its destination. It departed from San Francisco at 5:21 and from Oakland, California, at 5:47 p.m. (PWT), having been cleared in accordance with company procedure to Salt Lake City, Utah.
  5. The operation of the trip was normal until it arrived in the vicinity of Salt Lake City.
  6. Trip 4 proceeded to Ogden, Utah, while awaiting its clearance to commence an instrument approach to the Salt Lake City Airport.
  7. The trip reported at 10:56 p.m. that it had become contact 6,000 feet above sea level about 10 miles north of the field. The actual position of the airplane was probably about 7 or 8 miles north of the field at the time. At 10:57 p.m., Trip 4 contacted the control tower and reported that it was five miles north, approaching the range station, and received landing instructions in code. About one or two minutes later the airplane crashed into the side of a hill about three miles east-northeast of the range station and 3.8 miles northeast of the airport.
  8. The point of impact was at an elevation of 5,053 feet above sea level and about 830 feet above the airport.