Page:Aviation Accident Report, United Air Lines Flight 4.pdf/3

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Investigator. The Engineering Commission of the State of Utah was invited to participate in the hearing. John S. Evans and Lester Blackner, Chairman and Member respectively, attended as representatives of that body.

Upon the basis of all of the evidence disclosed by the investigation, the Board now makes its report in accordance with the Act.



Air Carrier

At the time of the accident, United was an air carrier operating under currently effective certificates of public convenience and necessity and air carrier operating certificates. These certificates authorized it to engage in air transportation over various routes, including Route No. 1 between the co-terminal points New York, New York, and Newark, New Jersey, and the terminal point Oakland, California, via certain intermediate points, including Salt Lake City, Utah, and San Francisco, California.

Flight Personnel

The crew of the flight in question consisted of Reserve Captain Donald Whittlesey Brown, First Officer Willard Harold Miner, and Stewardess Neva Cantwell.

Captain Brown, aged 34, had been employed by United since June 22, 1933, with the exception of the period from August 15, 1934, to April 1, 1935, when he was in the employ of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division, United Aircraft Corporation. He became a reserve captain on July 1, 1937