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employed towards the making of a ſhrine to put the Euchariſt in. Then he went home, and was reſtored to his dignities, properties, wife, and children.

No fooner was he departed, but he thought he heard a direful voice ſaying to him,

"Thou wicked wretch, thou haſt denied me; thou haſt renounced the covenant of thy obedience; thou haſt broken thy vow! Hence, apoſtate, bear with the the ſentence of thy eternal damnation!"

Trembling and quaking in body and mind, he fell down in a ſwoon: Relief was at hand for the body, but from that time forward, he never fourd any peace or eaſe of mind, continuing in inceſſant torments!-He proteſted that he was captivated under the revenging hand of the great God!-That he heard continually that fearful ſentence of Chriſt, that juſt Judge! That he knew he was utterly undone!-That he could neither hope for grace, nor Chriſt's interceſſion with God the Father in his behalf!- Thus was his fault ever heavy on his heart, and his judgment before his eyes!

Now began ſome of his friends to repent, but too late, of their raſh counſel; others, not looking ſo high as the juſt judgment of God, laid all the blame on his melancholy conſtitution; that overſhadowing his judgment, wrought in him a kind of madneſs: Every one cenſured as his fancy led him; yet, for remedy, all agreed in this, To uſe both the help of Phyſicians, and the pious advice of Divines, and therefore thought it fit to convey him to Padua, an Univerſity of note, where all manner of means were to be had.

This they accordingly did, both with his wife, children, and whole family; others alſo of his