Page:Awful memorial of the state of Francis Spira (1).pdf/2

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IN the year 1548, when the glorious Sun of the Goſpel was but newly riſen in Europe, in the rign of Edward VI, King of England, in the territory, and under the juriſdiction of the City of Venice, being the very border of Italy, in the Town of Citadella, lived on Francis Spira a Civil Lawyer, an Advocate of great rank and eſteem, being of great experience, of circumſpect carriage and ſevere, his ſpeech grave and compoſed, his countenance ſharp and auſtere, every way befitting that authority whereunto he was advanced; endowed with the bleſſings of a wife and eleven children, and wealth in abundance.- What his worſt parts were, I have no other warrant than his own words, which, if not tainted over-much with the bitterneſs of a deſperate mind, and bearing a countenance rather of paſſion, than of a ſober confeſſion, may ſeem to add a period to all further commendations.

"I was", ſaith he, "exceedingly covetous of money; and accordingly applied myſelf to get it by injuſtice, corrupting juſtice by deceit, inventing tricks to delude juſtice;