Page:Awful memorial of the state of Francis Spira (1).pdf/21

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O Lord, ſaid Spira, bring me alſo into this kingdom; I beſeech thee ſhut, me not out.

"Give us this day our daily bread."

O Lord, added he, I have enough, and abundance to feed this carcase of mine, but there is another bread; I humbly beg the bread of thy grace, without which, I am but a dead man.

"Lead us not into temptation."

Seeing, Lord, that I am brought into temptation, help me, Lord, that I may escape. The enemy hath overcome, help me, I beseech thee, to overcome this cruel tyrant.

These things he ſpake with a mournful voice, the tears trickling down abundantly, and expressing ſuch affection and passion, as filled all present with grief and compunction.

Then they ſaid to him, Sir, you know that none call Christ Jesus, the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost; you must therefore think of yourſelf according to that ſoft affection which you express in your prayers; inferring thereby, that God hath not wholly cast you off, or bereaved you of his Spirit utterly.

I perceive, ſaid Spira, that I call to him to my eternal damnation! For I tell you again, it is a new and unheard of example, that you find in me. If Judas, ſaid they, had but out-lived his days, which by nature he might have done, he might have repented; and Christ would have received him to mercy; and yet he ſinned most grievously against his Master which did ſo esteem him as to honour him with the dignity of an apostle; and did maintain and feed him.

Spira answered: Christ did also feed and honour me; neither is my fault one jot less than that of his; because it is no more honour to be personally present with Chriſt in the fleſh,