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The next day being brought down for his intended journey, by the way, looking round about him, with a ghastly look, he ſaw a knife lying on a table, to which he running haſtily, fnatched hold of it, as intending to do himseif mischief, but his friends laying hold of him, ſtopped him in his purpose. Whereupon, with indignation, he ſaid, I know God will not have mercy on me.

Thus went he homewards, often ſaying, That he envied the condition of Cain and Judas.

He lay about eight weeks in this condition, in a continual burning, neither deſiring, nor receiving any thing but by force, and that without digestion, ſo ſpent, that he appeared a perfect ſkeleton, nothing appearing but ſinews and bones, vehemently raging for drink; ever pining, yet fearful for living long; dreading hell, yet coveting death, in a continual torment, yet his own tormentor. And thus consuming himself with grief and horror, impatience and despair, like a living man in hell, he represented an extraordinary example of the justice and power of God, in puniſhing apoſtacy.

And thus, within a few days after his arrival at his own home, he departed this life.

From this we ought to remember, that ſecret things belong unto the Lord our God: and that that those who put their trust in him ſhall never be confounded: "For mercy hath he ever; and his grace faileth never."

F I N I S.

Falkirk- T. Johnston, Printer.