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nəligion. He perceived that his opinions were neither retired, non ſpeculative, but ſuch as aimed at the Romiſh faction, and a change of policy. And that his enemies wanted neither power nor occaſion to call him to an account in public when he muſt either apoſtatize, and ſhamefully give his former life, yea, his own conſcience the lie, or endure the utmoſt malice of his dreadful enemies; or forſake his wife, children, friends, goods, authority, yea, his dear country and betake himſelf to a foreign people, there to endure a thouſand miſeries, that do continually attend upon a voluntary exile.

Being thus diſtracted, and toſſed by reſtleſs waves of doubt, without guide to truſt to, or haven to fly to for ſuccours, on a ſudden, God's Spirit aſſiſting, he felt a calm, and began to reaſon with himſelf in the following manner.

"Why wandereſt thou thus in uncertainties, unhappy man? Caſt away fear; put on thy ſhield, the ſhield of faith. Where is thy wonted courage, thy-goodneſs and conſtancy? Remember that Chriſt's glory lies at ſtake, ſuffer thou without fear, and he will defend thee; he will tell thee what thou ſhalt anſwer; he can beat down all danger; bring thee out of priſon; raiſe thee from the dead. Conſider Peter in a dungeon; the m(illegible text) eyes in the fire. If thou makeſt a good confeſſion, thou mayeſt indeed go to priſon or death, but an eternal reward remains in heaven for thee. What haſt thou in this world comparable to everlaſting happineſs? If thou doſt otherwiſe, think of the ſcandal; (common people live by example, thinking whatever is done, is well done.); fear the loſs of peace and joy; fear death, hell, and eternal wrath!!! Or if (illegible text) be ſo ſtrong as to cauſe thee to doubt