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at the expence of broken limbs and the moſt dreadful contuſions.
During this calamitous ſcene, it is impoſſible to conceive the horrors and wretchedneſs of the uphappy inhabitants. The jaws of death were opened to ſwallow them up; ruin had ſeized all their poſſeſſions, and thoſe dear connections to which they might have looked for conſolation in their ſorrows, were for ever buried in the mercileſs abyſs. All was ruin and deſolation Every countenance indicated the extremity of affliction and deſpair; and the whole country formed a wide ſcene of undeſcribable horror.
One of the moſt remarkable towns which was deſtroyed was Caſal Nuova, where the Princeſs Genace Grimaldi, with more than four thouſand of her ſubjects, periſhed in the ſame inſtant. An inhabitant happening to be on the ſummit of a neighbouring hill at the moment of the ſhock, and looking earneſtly back to the reſidence of his family, could ſee no other remains of it than a white cloud which proceeded from the ruins on the houſes. At Bagmara, about three thouſand perſons were killed, and not fewer at Radicina and Palma. At Terra Nueva four thouſand four hundred periſhed, and rather more at Semniari. The inhabitants of Scilla eſcaped from their houſes ou the celebrated rock of that name, and with their prince, descended to a little harbour at the foot of the hill; but, in the courſe of the night a ſtupendous wave, which is ſaid to have been driven three miles over land, on its return ſwept away the unfortunate prince, with two thouſand four hundred and ſeventy-three of his ſubjects: It is computed that not leſs than forty thouſand perſons periſhed by this earthquake.
Greg Econ. of nature, vol. 2nd.
page 375 to 378. incl.