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ſeveral very ſevere ſhocks of an earthquake. ⟨They⟩ were more ſenſible and alarming, than any ⟨felt⟩ formerly, and the noiſe attending them was ⟨uncommonly⟩ loud and tremulous It appeared probably more ſo, from the ſtillneſs of the atmoſphere and the reverberation of the ſurrounding mountains. The houſes were greatly ſhaken, and ⟨the⟩ furniture toſſed from its place. The weather ⟨had⟩ been uncommonly variable, and changed ⟨from⟩ high guſts of wind, to a deep calm, a few days before the ſevereſt ſhocks of the earthquake. The air was moiſt and hazy, and the clouds ſeemed charged with electricity"
Encyclopaedia Perthenſis, vol. 7th F A
Two Shocks of an Earthquake, (ſimilar to thoſe which began at the ſame place ſome years ago) had been lately felt at and near Comrie in Perthſhire, one on the 17th of January, and the other on the 24th of February.
The motion of the Earth was from Weſt to Eaſt and laſted about two ſeconds, but the Subterraneous noiſe which accompanied, it continued much longer.
Scots Magazine for March, 179(illegible text)