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beneath its weight, ſhivered, and remained motiveleſs--it was a moment of critical suſpenſe: ſa(illegible text) made me think I felt her gradually deſcending--I gave myſelf up as gone, and ſummoned all my fortitude to bear approaching death with my coming manhood.

"Juſt at this criſis, the water, which ruſhed with incredible force though all parts of the veſſel brought it out floating, and nearly ſuffocated, and other Engliſh paſſenger, who was endeavouring to take a little repoſe in a ſmall cabin boarded off from the deck: he was a very ſtout young man, and ſo of true ſpirit. Finding that the veſſel was not, as he had thought, going immediately down, he joined me in exhorting the captain to his duty: we perſuaded him to throw the guns overboard, as well as a number of trunks and packages with which the veſſel was much encumbered; and with ſome little exertion, we got the pumps ſet a going."

The name of the Engliſh paſſenger juſt mentioned was Hall. He was a young man of a moſt amiable diſpoſition, and with it poſſeſſed all that manly ſpirit that gives preſence of mind in exigences of danger. He and Capt. Campbell having, with great difficulty, got ſome hands to ſtick to the pumps, ſtood at the wheel, at once to aſſiſt the men, and prevent them from quitting it and although hopeleſs, determined that no effort practicable on their parts ſhould be wanting to the preſervation of the veſſel. The water, however, gained upon the pumps, notwithſtanding every effort and it evidently appeared that they could not keep her long above water.

At ten o'clock the wind ſeemed to increaſe, and amounted to a downright hurricane: the ſky was ſo entirely obſcured with black clouds, and the rain fell ſo thick, that objects were not diſcernable