Page:Awful phenomena of nature -- earthquakes.pdf/14

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August, 1816.

Although Britain happily is not naturally a seat of these dreadful agitations of nature it has yet occasionally experienced them in a minor degree. During the earthquake which destroyed Lisbon in 1756, the waters both of Loch Lomond and of Loch T(illegible text) rose, in five minutes very considerably above their natural level, and then subsided as rapidly. At the same time shocks were felt in different parts of England; and by one place in Yorkshire, a rock was raised from its place, and thrown to some distance in shattered fragments. In 1801, a very smart shock was felt entirely across the island, from Greenock to Edinburgh. The centre appears, however, to have been in Strathearn. Three years afterwards, in 1804, a series of less severe shocks were felt in the latter quarter, particularly at Comr(illegible text)

The present earthquake appears to have extended entirely across the island, at a point considerably more to the north than any of those now alluded to. Its direction seems to have been from WNW. to ES The shock was felt on the western coast of Ross-shire, at Gairlosh and Applecross