Page:Awful phenomena of nature -- earthquakes.pdf/17

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nearly to the middle of the square or flat side of the octagon, immediately under it.—What is more wonderful than any thing attending this memorable event, notwithstanding the vast quantities of stones and bricks that have been thrown from such immense heights, not one single person has received any hurt. I have only further to remark, that it was not attended with any of those phenomena that have been said to accompany earthquakes. The day Had been beautiful and serene,and still continues so; no agitations or raising was observable in the river; and it has been frequently observed, that in countries subject to these awful visitations, the mercury suddenly falls in the barometer; this I inssantly attended to, but no alteration took place.”

Montrose, August 14th

“Last night, a few minutes before eleven o’clock, a shock of an earthquake was most distinctly felt here, which had the effect of seriously alarming many families; and many who were in bed were awakened by the concussion, Those who had newly retired to rest were most sensible of the shock, as they felt their beds move, first in a horizontal direction, and then back to the former situation; after which a tremulous motion was felt, as when a thing settles on its basis, after being in commotion.