Page:Axiochus (Spenser, 1592).pdf/8

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The Epistle.

cerning the ſpeciall matter, to wit, my preſumption, without firſt acquainting yee heere-with: thus I protect my ſelfe. My familiarity with yee in your younger yeeres, when ſometimes wee were Schollers together, and my preſent ioy, to ſee ye ſo happie a ſucceeder both in your Fathers vertues, place, and Office: imboldened mee to ſhew a remembrance of the one, yet reuerently, and gladnes of the other as well becommeth me.

If in thys ſmall gift, ye make acceptance both of the one and other, yee ſhall declare no leſſe then each one well diſcernes in ye, and ioy him that euery way is at your cõmaund.
