Page:BM Bower - Her Prairie Knight.djvu/22

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Her Prairie Knight

"In the meantime, what shall we do?"

"You'll stay where you are—and thank the good Lord you were not upset. I'm sorry"—turning so that he could look deprecatingly at Miss Hayes—"your welcome to the West has been so—er—strenuous. I'll try and make it up to you, once you get to the ranch. I hope you won't let this give you a dislike of the country."

"Oh, no," said the spinster politely. "I'm sure it is a—a very nice country, Mr. Lansell."

"Well, there's nothing to be done sitting here." Dick climbed down over the dashboard, into the mud and water.

Sir Redmond was not the man to shirk duty because it happened to be disagreeable, as the regiment whose name was engraved upon his cane could testify. He glanced regretfully at his immaculate leggings and followed.

"I fancy you ladies won't need any bodyguard," he said. Looking back, he caught the light of approval shining in the eyes of Beatrice, and after that he did not mind the mud, but waded to shore and joined in the chase quite contentedly. The light of approval, shining in the eyes of Beatrice, meant much to Sir Redmond.