Page:BM Bower - Her Prairie Knight.djvu/75

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Her Prairie Knight

him so close she came near choking him. "You darling. Oh, Dorman!"

Dorman squirmed away from her. "I los' one shiny penny, Be'trice—and I couldn't open de door. Help me find my shiny penny."

Keith picked him up and set him upon one square shoulder. "We'll take you up to your auntie, first thing, young man."

"I want my one shiny penny. I want it!" Dorman showed symptoms of howling again.

"We'll come back and find it. Your auntie wants you now, and grandmama."

Beatrice, following after, was treated to a rather unusual spectacle; that of a tall, sun-browned fellow, with fringed chaps and brightly gleaming spurs, racing down the path; upon his shoulder, the wriggling form of an extremely disreputable small boy, with cobwebs in his curls, and his once white collar a dirty rag streaming out behind.