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Page:Babeuf's Conspiracy.djvu/19

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Times newspaper, which was then " on the Liberal side," noticed the matter in the way of indignant remonstrance. It upbraided Louis Philippe for cruelty in persecuting so venerable and (as the Times then thought him) so patriotic an old man. (Buonarroti must hare been then upwards of 70.) Such an euloghim, upon such a man, it did certainly surprise me at the time to find in such a publication ; nor was my surprise without good cause, as the honest Times itself soon proved ; for, in a day or two after, out comes another leader in the Times, dis- claiming all it said before, and pointing attention to some correspondent's letter, in which Buonarroti was abused as a leveller, and calumniated as a blood-thirsty follower of Robespierre. The humane and liberty-loving Times was, of course, shocked at this disclosure ; and, though poor Buonarroti had done nothing in the mean time to excite our contemporary's wrath, all the praises and appeals to the French authorities in his behalf were re- tracted, and the " venerable and patriotic old man " was left to sink or swim, as he best could, under the tutelary protection of honest Louis Philippe. So much for Printing-house-square philanthropy.

What has since become of Buonarroti, — whether he is alive or dead, I have not heard. Should any of my readers be able to give me any information on the sub- ject, I shall bcf most happy to publish it at the close of the work.