Page:Backblock Ballads and Later Verses (C.J. Dennis, 1918).djvu/146

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Vulgar Fractions

Now, when Bill, the pick and shovel man, or Archibald, the clerk.
    Undertakes to sell the labour of a day,
Then, for certain hours he works between the dawning and the dark,
    And delivers one day's work for one day's pay.
This industrial arrangement has advantages for both,
    If employer and employed are honest men.
And to doubt its simple justice I would be extremely loth;
    For no sophistry shall e'er pollute my pen.

In referring to this matter I assume you have a taste
    For the stuff that sporting blokes regard as rot,
Such as politics, arithmetic and economic waste.
    (You're excused from reading farther if you've not.)
But arithmetic is boring to a certain type of man
    Who is loth to strain his intellect too far. . . .
Which reminds me, opportunely, of the modern Party Plan
    And the story of T. Trimmer, M.H.R.