Page:Backblock Ballads and Later Verses (C.J. Dennis, 1918).djvu/26

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He was a pioneah, you know, mai Paw.
But of mai early laife Ai never tell.
  Paw worked, as Ai hev stated;
  And he had us educated;
And, later on, Ai married rather well.
And then, you know, deah Paw became—er—well, embarrassing.
For he is so unconventional and—all thet sort of thing.

But the Government has taken ovah Paw.
We are happy now we've aisolated Paw.
  And a bettah era's dawning,
  For mai husband said this mawning
Thet the money saved would buy a motah-caw.
Paw was so good to us when we were young, that, you'll allow,
It's really taime the Government did something foah him now.