Page:Background and Position of the Government of Japan Concerning the Issue of Former Civilian Workers from the Korean Peninsula (FACT SHEET).pdf/3

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victims in the relevant judgments"; and (b) "if the Japanese side accepts this, the Republic of Korea would be ready to consider accepting the consultation procedure under Article III.1 of the Agreement requested by the Government of Japan." The Government of Japan rejected the proposal of the Government of the Republic of Korea, pointing out that the proposal does not remedy the breaches of international law by the Republic of Korea and does not serve as a solution to the current problem, and that the position of the Government of Japan remains unchanged in urging the Government of Republic of Korea to accept the arbitration in accordance with the obligations under the Agreement.

  1. As outlined above, the Government of Japan, from the standpoint of placing an emphasis on the rule of law, has made continuous efforts to resolve the issue of civilian workers from the Korean Peninsula based on the Agreement. However, the failure of the Republic of Korea to agree to arbitration, which is the dispute settlement procedure under the Agreement, constitutes further breaches of the Agreement, in addition to breaches of the Agreement created by the series of judgments of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea last year as well as related judgments and proceedings.
    The Government of Japan is of the view that the settlement of this dispute requires the Republic of Korea to remedy its repeated breaches of international law. Japan renews its request for the Republic of Korea to immediately take concrete actions for such purpose.

Relevant provisions of the Claims Settlement Agreement
Note: This English translation was submitted by Japan and the REPUBLIC OF KOREA respectively to the UN Secretariat at the time of conclusion of the Claims Settlement Agreement, and was thereby made publicly available (Authentic texts are Japanese and Korean).

Article II
  1. The Contracting Parties confirm that [the] problem concerning property, rights and interests of the two Contracting Parties and their nationals (including juridical persons) and concerning claims between the Contracting Parties and their nationals, including those provided for in Article IV, paragraph (a) of the Treaty of Peace with Japan signed at the city of San Francisco on September 8, 1951, is settled completely and finally.
  2. (omitted)
  3. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2, no contention shall be made with respect to the measures on property, rights and interests of either Contracting Party and its nationals which are within the jurisdiction of the other Contracting Party on the date of the signing of the present Agreement, or with respect to any claims of