What would he have said, if he had knowne of the Mas sacre in France, or the Powder Treason of England? He would have beene Seven times more Epicure[1] and Atheist then he was. For as the temporall Sword is to bee drawne with great circumspection in Cases of Religion, So it is a thing monstrous to put it into the hands of the Common People. Let that bee left unto the Anabaptists and other Furies. It was great Blasphemy, when the Devill said, I will ascend and be like the Highest; But it is greater Blasphemy to personate[2] God, and bring him in[3] saying, I will descend and be like the Prince of Darknesse; And what[4] is it better, to make the cause of religion to descend to the cruell and execrable Actions of Murthering Princes, Butchery of People, and subversion of States and Governments? Surely, this is to bring Downe the Holy Ghost, instead of the Liknesse of a Dove, in the Shape of a Vulture or Raven; And to set, out of the Barke of a Christian Church, a Flaggy of a Barque of Pirats and Assassins. Therfore it is most necessary, that the Church by Doctrine and Decree; Princes by their Sword; And all Learnings, both Christian and Morall, as by their Mercury Rod; Doe Damne and send to Hell for ever those Facts[5] and Opinions tending to the Support of the same; As hath beene already in good part done. Surely in Counsels Concerning Religion, that Counsel of the Apostle would be[6] prefixed, Ira hominis non implet Iusticiam Dei[7]. And it was a notable Observation of a wise Father, And no lesse ingenuously confessed, That those, which held and perswaded [8] pressure of Consciences, were commonly interessed [9] therin themselves for their owne ends.