undertake great Cures, And perhaps have been Lucky in two or three Experiments, but want the Grounds[1] of Science, And therfore cannot hold out. Nay, you shall see a Bold Fellow, many times, doe Mahomet's Miracle. Mahomet made the People beleeve that he would call an Hill to him, And from the Top of it offer up his Praiers for the Observers of his Law. The People assembled; Mahomet cald the Hill to come to him, againe and againe; And when the Hill stood still, he was never a whit abashed, but said, If the Hill will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet wil go to the Hill. So these Men, when they have promised great Matters, and failed most shamefully, (yet if they have the perfection of Boldnesse) they will but slight it over[2], and make a turne[3], and no more adoe. Certainly, to Men of great Judgment, Bold Persons are a Sport to behold; Nay, and to the Vulgar also, Boldnesse hath somewhat of the Ridiculous. For if Absurdity be the Subiect of Laughter, doubt you not but great Boldnesse is seldome without some Absurdity. Especially, it is a Sport to see, when a Bold Fellow is out of Countenance; For that puts his Face into a most Shruncken and woodden Posture; As needes it must; For in Bashfulnesse[4], the Spirits[5] doe a little goe and come; but with Bold Men, upon like occasion, they stand at a stay[6]; Like a Stale at Chesse, where it is no Mate, but yet the Game cannot stirre. But this last were fitter for a Satyre then for a serious Observation. This is well to be weighed, That Boldnesse is ever blinde; For it seeth not dangers and Inconveniences. Therfore, it is ill in Counsell, good in Execution: So that the right Use of Bold persons is, that they never Command in Chiefe, but be Seconds and under the Direction of others. For in Counsell it is good to see dangers, And in Execution not to see them, except they be very great.