or Bravery,[1]) is a safe Way. For he that turneth the Humors backe and maketh the Wound bleed inwards, endangereth[2] maligne Ulcers and pernicious Impostumations.[3]
The Part of Epimetheus mought well become Pro metheus in the case of Discontentments, For there is not a better provision against them. Epimetheus, when Griefes and Evils flew abroad, at last shut the lid, and kept Hope in the Bottome of the Vessell. Certainly, the Politique and Artificiall[4] Nourishing and Entertaining of Hopes, and Carrying Men from Hopes to Hopes, is one of the best Antidotes against the Poyson of Discontentments. And it is a certaine Signe of a wise Government and Proceeding, when it can hold Men's hearts by Hopes, when it cannot by Satisfaction;[5] And when it can handle things in such manner as no Evill shall appeare so peremptory[6] but that it hath some Out-let of Hope; Which is the lesse hard to doe, because both particular Persons[7] and Factions are apt enough to flatter themselves, or at least to brave[8] that, which they beleeve not.
Also, the Foresight, and Prevention, that there be no likely or fit Head whereunto Discontented Persons may resort, and under whom they may ioyne, is a knowne but an excellent Point of Caution. I understand a fit Head to be one that hath Greatnesse and Reputation; That hath Confidence with[9] the Discontented Party; and upon whom they turne their Eyes; And that is thought discontented in his own particular;[10] which kinde of Persons are either to be wonne and reconciled to the State; and that in a fast and true manner; Or to be fronted[11] with some other of the same Party, that may oppose them, and so divide the reputation. Generally, the Dividing and Breaking of all Factions and Combinations that are adverse to the State,