Page:Bacteria, why do they make me sick?.pdf/28

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Bacteria, why do they make me sick?

What is the importance
of vaccines?

A region or country performs a massive vaccination campaign in order to protect people against infectious diseases. In fact, the World Health Organization (W. H. O.) estimated that vaccines prevent two to three million of deaths every year, by providing protection against diseases such as diphtheria, measles, pneumonia, rotavirus, rubella, tetanus and polio. However, for some years now, people have started forgetting these benefits.

Vaccines prevent two to three million of deaths every year.

against diseases such as diphtheria, measles, pneumonia, rotavirus, rubella, tetanus and polio

The anti-vaccination groups or movement are present in developed and developing countries and have similar arguments. They oppose vaccines arguing that they may cause side effects, disorders such as autism or ischemic strokes with time.