Page:Bacteria, why do they make me sick?.pdf/39

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Dr. Gino Corsini Acuña
Science Communication Center


This disease is characterized by skin lesions, especially in the face and extremities, caused by the Mycobacterium leprae bacteria. This pathogen, which grows inside the macrophages, causes an intracellular infection that may lead to the bacteria proliferation in the skin, and, as a result, a large skin lesion. In severe cases, the lesions cause deformities that may lead to the loss of the motor function.

The transmission of this disease involves direct contact and inhalation of the microorganism. Incubation times range from weeks to decades and years.

Mycobacterium leprae


Tetanus is a disease caused by a microorganism called Clostridium tetani. Its natural environment is the soil and occasionally causes illness in animals. The bacterium can infect a deep wound and secrete a toxin that reaches the neurons. Here, it causes severe neurological symptoms that can be fatal since it generates an uncontrollable contraction of the muscles. If the respiratory muscles are affected, it may lead to death by suffocation.

Clostridium tetani