Page:Bailey Review.djvu/22

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Summary of Report and Recommendations

easier and more parent—friendly for complaints to be made in store. ACTION: Businesses, supported by trade associations



  • The Government should monitor implementation and formally review progress in 18 months' time.
  • A stocktake, to include an independent assessment of progress, should report on the success or otherwise of business, regulators and Government in adopting the recommendations of this Review.
  • If the stocktake reaches the conclusion that insufficient progress has been made, our view is that the Government would be fully entitled to bring forward appropriate statutory measures to ensure action is taken.

What we want to see

That the actions recommended in the report are implemented by broadcasters, advertisers, retailers, other businesses and regulators within a reasonable timescale.


Ensuring that businesses and others take action on these recommendations. Government should take stock of progress against the recommendations of this review in 18 months' time. This stocktake should report on the success or otherwise of businesses and others in adopting these recommendations. If it concludes that insufficient progress has been made, the Government should consider taking the most effective action available, including regulating through legislation if necessary, to achieve the recommended outcome. ACTION: Government