Page:Bailey Review.djvu/4

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Foreword 2
Introduction 5
Summary of Report and Recommendations 13
Theme 1 – The 'Wallpaper' of Children's Lives 20
Theme 2 – Clothing Products and Services for Children 40
Theme 3 – Children as Consumers 51
Theme 4 – Making Parents' Voices Heard 73
Conclusion 86
A. Terms of reference 91
B. Review approach to process and engagement 94
C. Interviews for this Review 96
D. Organisations that responded to the Call for Evidence 97
E. Bibliography 99
(published separately at
1. Parents' Voice Qualitative Research: executive summary
2. Results from TNS Omnibus Survey of parents and children and young people
3. Parents' Call for Evidence summary and questions
4. Questions for industry and wider stakeholder Call for Evidence