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It was reported by Khâlid ibn-ʿAbdallâh aṭ-Ṭaḥḥân that ibn-abi-Laila said, "Whether it is produced in the tithe-or kharâj-land, one raṭl is due on every ten. The same view is held by al-Ḥasan ibn-Ṣâliḥ ibn-Ḥai.

A tradition reported to me by abu-ʿUbaid on the authority of az-Zuhri states that the latter held that one vase [Ar. ziḳḳ][1] is due on every ten.

The tithe on fruits and grains. Yaḥya ibn-Âdam from Bishr ibn-ʿÂṣim and ʿUthmân ibn-ʿAbdallâh ibn-Aus:—Sufyân ibn-ʿAbdallâh ath-Thaḳafi wrote to ʿUmar ibn-al-Khaṭṭâb, whose ʿâmil he was in at-Ta'if, stating that before him was the case of a garden in which vine-trees grow, as well as plum and pomegranate trees and other things that are many folds more productive than vines, and soliciting 'Umar's orders regarding the taking of its tithe. But 'Umar wrote back, " No tithes on it."

It was stated by Yahya ibn-Adam that he heard Sufyan ibn-Sa'id (whose view is the following) say: "There is no sadakah except on four of the products of the soil, i. e., wheat, barley, dates and raisins, provided the product meas- ures five wasks." 2 But abu-Hani fan's view is that whatever the tithe-land produces is subject to the tithe, though it be a bundle of vegetables. The same view is held by Zufar. But according to the view of Malik, ibn-abi-Dhi'b and Ya'kub, vegetables and the like are not subject to sadakah. Nor is there sadakah on what is less than five wasks of wheat, barley, maize, husked barley, tare, dates, raisins, rice, sesame, peas and the grains that can be measured and stored, including lentils, beans, Indian peas and millet. If any of these measure five wasks, then it is subject to sadakah. The same view, according to al-Wakidi, is held by Rabi'ah ibn-

2 Yahya ibn-'Adam, Kitab al-Kharaj, pp. 109-110.

  1. A receptacle of skin for holding wine and the like.