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ʿUmar ibn-al-Khattab became caliph, they began to practise usury, and became so numerous as to be considered by him a menace to Islâm. He therefore expelled them and wrote to them the following statement:

"Greetings! Whomever of the people of Syria and al-ʿIrâḳ they happen to come across, let him clear for them tillable land; and whatever land they work, becomes theirs in place of their land in al-Yaman." Thus the people of Najrân were dispersed, some settling in Syria and others in an-Najrâniyah in the district of al-Kûfah, after whom it was so named. The Jews of Najrân were included with the Christians in the terms and went with them as their followers.

The Najranites under ʿUthmân. When ʿUthmân ibn-ʿAffân became caliph, he wrote to his ʿâmil in al-Kûfah, al-Walîd ibn-ʿUḳbah ibn-abi-Muʿaiṭ, as follows:

"Greetings! The civil ruler, the bishop and the nobles of Najrân have presented to me the written statement of the Prophet and showed me the recommendation[1] of ʿUmar. Having made inquiry regarding their case from ʿUthmân ibn-Ḥunaif, I learned that he had investigated their state and found it injurious to the great landlords[2] whom they prevented from possessing their land. I have, therefore, reduced their taxation by 200 robes—for the sake of Allah and in place of their old lands. I recommend them to thee as they are included among the people entitled to our protection."

Another source for ʿUmar's statement. I heard it said by one of the learned that ʿUmar wrote them the following statement:—"Greetings! Whomsoever of the people of Syria or al-ʿIrâḳ they pass by, let him clear for them tillable land". Another I heard say, "waste land".

  1. Lammens, MFO, vol. v2, p. 677.
  2. dihḳâns; Âdam, pp. 42–43.