meaning sacks). The surname of Zaid was abu-ʿAbd-ar-Raḥmân, and he was the senior of ʿUmar. According to some, the proper name of abu-Maryam was Iyâs ibn-Ṣubaiḥ, and he was the first in the time of ʿUmar to hold the position of ḳâḍi in al-Baṣrah. He died in Sanbîl which lies in al-Ahwâz. Other martyrs were abu-Ḳais ibn-al-Ḥârith ibn-ʿAdi ibn-Sahm; ʿAbdallâh ibn-al-Ḥârith ibn-Ḳais, Salîṭ ibn-ʿAmr, a brother of Suhail ibn-ʿAmr of the banu-ʿAmr ibn-Luʾai; and Iyâs ibn-al-Bukair al-Kinâni. Among the Anṣâr, the following suffered martyrdom: ʿAbbâd ibn-al-Ḥârith ibn-ʿAdi of the banu-Jaḥjaba of al-Aus; ʿAbbâd ibn-Bishr ibn-Waḳsh al-Ashhali of al-Aus, surnamed abu-ar-Rabîʿ, and according to others, abu-Bishr; Mâlik ibn-Aus ibn-ʿAtîk al-Ashhali; abu-ʿAḳîl ibn-ʿAbdallâh ibn-Thaʾlabah ibn-Baiḥân al-Balawi, an ally of the banu-Jaḥjaba, and whose proper name was ʿAbd-al-ʿUzza, but who was called by the Prophet "ʿAbd-ar-Raḥmân the enemy of the idols"; Surâḳah ibn-Kaʿb ibn-ʿAbd-al-ʿUzza an-Najjâri of al-Khazraj; ʿUmârah ibn-Ḥazm ibn-Zaid ibn-Laudhân an-Najjâri (who is supposed by others to have died in the time of Muʿâwiyah); Ḥabîb ibn-ʿAmr ibn-Miḥṣan an-Najjâri; Maʿn ibn-ʿAdi ibn-al-Jadd ibn-al-ʿAjlân al-Balawi of the Ḳuḍâʿah, and an ally of the Anṣâr; Thâbit ibn-Ḳais ibn-Shammâs ibn-abi-Zuhair the khaṭîb of the Prophet and who was of the banu-l-Ḥârith ibn-al-Khazraj (whose surname was abu-Muḥammad, and who at that time was the commander of the Anṣâr); abu-Ḥannah ibn-Ghuzaiyah ibn-ʿAmr one of the banu-Mâzin ibn-an-Najjâr; al-ʿÂṣi ibn-Thaʿlabah ad-Dausi of al-Azd, an ally of the Anṣâr; abu-Dujânah Simâk ibn-Aus ibn-Kharashah ibn-Laudhân as-Sâʿidi of al-Khazraj; abu-Usaid Mâlik ibn-Rabîʿah as-Sâʿidi (others say he died in al-Madînah, year 60); ʿAbdallâh ibn-ʿAbdallâh ibn-Ubai ibn-Mâlik (whose first name was al-Ḥubâb but who was given by the Prophet his father's name. His