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Mujjâʿah is assigned al-Ghûrah and other fiefs. Al-Ḳâsim ibn-Sallâm from Hishâm ibn-Ismâʿîl:—There came to the Prophet Mujjâʿah-l-Yamâmi to whom the Prophet gave a fief and wrote the following statement: "In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful. This statement is written by Muḥammad, the Messenger of Allah, to Mujjâʿah ibn-Murârah ibn-Sulmi. I give thee as fief al-Ghârah, Ghurâbah,[1] and al-Ḥubal. If any one objects, refer him to me." (Al-Ghûrah is the chief village of al-Ghurâbât and is close to Ḳârât). After the death of the Prophet, Mujjâʿah came to abu-Bakr, who assigned him as fief al-Khiḍrimah. Later he came to ʿUmar, who assigned to him ar-Raiya. After that he came to ʿUthmân, who assigned to him another fief "the name of which," says al-Ḥârith,[2] "I do not remember."

Furât ibn-Ḥaiyân gets a fief. Al-Ḳâsim ibn-Sallâm from ʿAdi ibn-Ḥâtim:—The Prophet assigned to Furât ibn-Ḥaiyân al-ʿIjli a piece of land in al-Yamâmah.

The "park of death." Muḥammad ibn-Thumâl al-Yamâmi from certain sheikhs:—The Ḥadîḳah was called Ḥadîḳat al-Maut [the park of death] because of the great number of people that were slain in it. In the time of al-Maʾmûn, Isḥâḳ ibn-abi-Khamîṣah, a freedman of Ḳais, built in it a cathedral mosque. The Ḥadîḳah before that time was known as Ubâḍ.

According to Muḥammad ibn-Thumâl, the Ḳaṣr al-Ward[3] was named after al-Ward ibn-as-Samîn ibn-ʿUbaid al-Ḥanafi. According to another, the fortification was called Muʿtiḳ [i. e., emancipator] because of its strength, indicat-

  1. Bakri, vol. ii, p. 703 : "ʿAwânah".
  2. Ibn-Murrah-l-Ḥanafi, one of the intermediary reporters of this tradition.
  3. Yâḳût, Marâṣid, under Ward.