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The Apostasy of the Arabs

Al-Fujâʾah put to death by fire. There came to abu-Bakr one, al-Fujâʾah, whose proper name was Bujair ibn-Iyâs ibn-ʿAbdallâh as-Sulami, and said to him, "Give me horse and arms that I may fight against the apostates." Abu-Bakr gave him horse and arms. Al-Fujâʾah began to molest the people, killing both Moslems and apostates. He, moreover, gathered a large body of men. Abu-Bakr wrote to Ṭuraifah ibn-Ḥâjizah, a brother of Maʿn ibn-Ḥâjizah, ordering him to go against him. This, ibn-Ḥâjizah did and captured him. He then sent him to abu-Bakr, who ordered him burned in the neighborhood of al-Muṣalla [place of prayer]. Others say that abu-Bakr wrote to Maʿn concerning al-Fujâʾah, and Maʿn directed against him his brother, Ṭuraifah, who captured him.

Khâlid in al-Buṭâḥ and al-Baʿûḍah. Later, Khâlid set out against those of the banu-Tamîm who were in al-Buṭâḥ[1] and al-Baʿûḍah. They fought against him, but he dispersed them[2] killing Mâlik ibn-Nuwairah, a brother of Mutammam ibn-Nuwairah. This Mâlik was the Prophet's ʿâmil for the ṣadaḳahs of the banu-Ḥanẓalah. When the Prophet died Mâlik held whatever was in his keeping and said to banu-Ḥanẓalah, "Keep your own money."

Mâlik beheaded. According to other reports, Khâlid met nobody in either al-Buṭâḥ or al-Baʿûḍah, but he sent detachments among the banu-Tamîm, one of which was under Ḍirâr ibn-al-Azwar al-Asadi. Ḍirâr met Mâlik and, as a result of the conflict which ensued, Ḍirâr took Mâlik and some others captive, and brought them before Khâlid. In accordance with Khâlid's orders, their heads were cut off,[3] Ḍirâr with his own hand cutting off that of Mâlik. Ac-

  1. Yâḳût, vol. i, p. 661.
  2. Ṭabari, vol. i, p. 1924.
  3. Cf. Ḥajar, vol. iii, p. 722; abu-l-Fida, al-Mukhtaṣar, vol. i, p. 158, (Cairo, 1325).