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had in that same year accepted Islâm, against al-Aswad, inviting him to Islâm. But al-Aswad refused. Other reports deny that the Prophet sent Jarîr to al-Yaman.

Al-Aswad as governor of Ṣanʿâʾ. Al-Aswad moved against Ṣanʿâʾ and reduced it, driving Khâlid ibn-Saʿîd ibn-al-ʿAsi from it. Others say he rather drove al-Muhâjir ibn-abi-Umaiyah, and took quarters with Ziyâd ibn-Labîd al-Bayaḍi, with whom he remained until he received a message from abu-Bakr ordering him to go to the aid of Ziyâd. When the work of Ziyâd and al-Aswad was done, abu-Bakr conferred on the latter the governorship of Ṣanʿâʾ and its provinces. Al-Aswad, however, was haughty and he oppressed al-Abnâʾ, i. e., the descendants of the Persians who were originally sent to al-Yaman by Kisra in the company of ibn-dhi-Yazan and under the leadership of Wahriz. Al-Aswad made them serve him and compelled them to do things against their will. Moreover, he married al-Marzubânah, the wife of Bâdhâm their king, who was their governor under Abarwiz.[1] This made the Prophet direct against him Ḳais ibn-Hubairah-l-Makshûḥ al-Murâdi (called al-Makshûḥ because he was cauterized on his side on account of a disease) instructing him to win over to his side al-Abnâʾ. With al-Makshûḥ, the Prophet sent Farwah ibn-Musaik al-Murâdi. No sooner had they arrived at al-Yaman, than the news of the death of the Prophet reached them. Ḳais left on al-Aswad the impression that he concorded with his opinion, and so he got his consent to enter Ṣanʿâʾ. Accordingly, Ḳais entered Ṣanʿâʾ with a group of men including among others men of [the clan of] Madhḥij and some from Hamdân. He then won over to his side one of al-Abnâʾ, Fairûz ibn-ad-Dailami, who had accepted Islâm. Ḳais and Fairûz then brought the chief of al-Abnâʾ (whose

  1. "Barwîz" in Caetani, vol. iv, p. 490.
