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The Advance of Khâlid on Syria

Khâlid in Ḳarḳîsiya. According to al-Wâḳidi, Khâlid started from Suwa to al-Kawâthil thence to Ḳarḳîsiya whose chief met him with a large host. Khâlid left him alone, turned to the mainland and went his way.

Arakah makes terms. Another place to which Khâlid came was Arakah[1] (i. e. Arak) whose people he attacked and besieged. The city surrendered and made terms, offering a certain sum for the Moslems.

Dûmat al-Jandal, Ḳuṣam, Tadmur and al-Ḳaryatain taken. Dûmat al-Jandal[2] he then reached and conquered. Then he came to Ḳuṣam in which the banu-Mashjaʿah ibn-at-Taim ibn-an-Namir ibn-Wabarah ibn-Taghlib ibn-Ḥulwân ibn-ʿImrân ibn-al-Ḥâfi ibn-Ḳudâʿah came to terms with him. Khâlid wrote them a promise of security and advanced to Tadmur[3] [Palmyra]. Tadmur's inhabitants held out against him and took to their fortifications. At last they sought to surrender and he wrote them a statement guaranteeing their safety on condition that they be considered dhimmah people,[4] that they entertain Moslems and that they submit to them. Khâlid then pushed to al-Ḳaryatain, whose people resisted him but were defeated, losing a large booty.

Ḥûwârîn reduced. Khâlid proceeded to Ḥûwârîn[5] in Sanîr and made a raid on its cattle. Its inhabitants, having been reinforced by the inhabitants of Baʿlabakk and of Buṣra (the capital of Ḥaurân) stood out against him. The victory was won by Khâlid who took some as captives and killed others.

  1. Baṣri, p. 67; Ṭabari, vol. i, p. 2109; Yâḳût, vol. i, p. 21..
  2. Balâdhuri, part I, chap. XIII.
  3. Guy Le Strange, Palestine under the Moslems, pp. 540–542.
  4. Christians, Jews and Sabians with whom a covenant has been made, who pay a poll tax and for whose security Moslems are responsible.
  5. Baṣri, p. 68.